The mitochondrial health in the liver of mice that received L….

This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

The mitochondrial health in the liver of mice that received L. gasseri or L. johnsonii improved, reducing “bad lipids.” Scientists think this is important for achieving better glucose tolerance and metabolism.

San Diego, CA|Neighbor Post|

A real David and Goliath story is underway in Vista. Deep pockets developer KB Homes is attempting to push the County of San Diego to rezone a pocket of a small valley community from ‘half acre minimum’ to 16 units per acre in spite of the entire community being opposed to it because of the already horrendous traffic, saturated parking, and child safety issues. (there have been numerous deaths due to unsafe conditions, high speed limits and no sidewalks) The residents are going to picket on January 28, 2-4 PM in front of the Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary School at 653 Poinsettia Ave. in Vista. Many residents have politely asked them to consider less density and they replied that they are going to build whatever they want and there’s nothing we can do about it. They are acting like bullies since they have the deep pockets. Most of the residents in the area were not notified of the project and the county is about to approve it without being reviewed by the community. What happened to government of the people, by the people and for the people? We love our low-density life style, and the infrastructure is already insufficient, with many of the major intersections already assigned an “F” rating by the cities of Vista and San Marcos. KB Homes is a greedy developer with only their bottom line in mind. I know that the Golden Rule applies in these situations, that the ones with the gold make the rules. So we (David) are attempting to have some voice in dealing with this tone deaf developer (Goliath). We could use a hand in bringing some attention to the plight of the little man here in North County.

San Diego, CA|Neighbor Post|

“Pacific leaders should produce national and regional declaration of support for a global agreement, this would help to share the loads, address global transboundary challenges and help to put pressure back on big suppliers,”

San Diego, CA|Neighbor Post|

Millions of people die unnecessarily every year because they cannot access treatment for kidney failure.

San Diego, CA|Neighbor Post|

Elizabeth is currently working on a project looking at role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

San Diego, CA|Neighbor Post|

Not sure if it’s ok to post this on this section but I’m looking for an older mentor. I really need someone to take me under their wing and give me some career guidance. So would anyone be interested? No weird stuff, but I would prefer an older, professional (obviously) man
If so send me a text 6195123360

San Diego, CA|Local News Tip|

In the midst of this pandemic local fast food places have restrooms closed to the public and only offer hand sanitizer. Personally, I think it makes your food taste like hand sanitizer not to mention I don’t think it equates to soap and water. It’s very confusing why they would shut down restrooms in fast food, gas stations… Really in a lot of places. It’s almost like I have to go home just to wash my hands.

San Diego, CA|Neighbor Post|

Managing Director of Ellen Medical John Knight, a medical specialist in kidney diseases in children

San Diego, CA|Neighbor Post|

Where can I get free sandbags in Spring Valley

San Diego, CA|Local News Tip||Edited

My son has been missing for almost 2 years. A little over 6 months ago, I received a call from his mother asking that we meet up and discuss filling visitation orders with the court (we hadn’t done so when we split). She said she had just come back from San Diego and was planning on staying in Utah and looking forward to working together to raise our son Beau. I saw him for a matter of minutes when I met her to sign. We played, hugged, and he enjoyed the presents I brought him. I was overwhelmed that he recognized me as Daddy.
Jessica disappeared once again back to San Diego with a newfound paycheck. A hefty child support payment from yours truly. No phone calls, no pictures, no explanation. I haven’t received even 1 minute of my court ordered visitation. She has no address and bounces from place to place.
Beau Duke Anderson is 4 yrs old (5 in April). He’s approx 3 ft tall and maybe 40 lbs. He is non verbal and may still be in diapers. He has light brown/blondish hair that is curly and the prettiest blue eyes.
Jessica Lynn Hardison is 39 yrs old (40 on May 10th). She is 5’10” and I’d guess around 130 lbs. She has shoulder length, straight hair that is blonde with brown roots and blue eyes.
They may be traveling with numerology/tarot/gaia/hippy/cult/ astrology type fanatics. She believes she is psychic and that aliens are coming to meet her. She may be a frequent visitor to Sage Mountain Farm. She seems to have suffered a mental break or may be being influenced by someone she is now associating with and has cut off all communications with family and friends, even her own children that she is deemed unfit to care for. I’m told she can carry both of their belongings in a garbage bag and may even be transient.
I’ve exhausted every possibility for help here in Utah and I ask the good people of San Diego for help now. Beau has 3 sisters and a brother that barely remember what he looks like and desperately miss his sweet personality. His aunts and uncles miss him as well as his distraught grandparents. I beg all that read this, please help unite a family and find help for my son’s mother.
My name is Erik Don Anderson and I miss my only son and beg the heavens for his return every single day. Please spread this and don’t hesitate, I can and will back up everything stated here because it is simple fact.
My contact info:
[email protected]
Thank you and God bless,

My son has been missing for almost 2 years. A little over 6...

San Diego, CA|Local Question|

Hi I’m will be a new resident at the Civita Park community in Mission Valley. Move in date changed until after new years 2021. Any one can tell me about the community
From Charles

San Diego, CA|Local Opinion|

I’m new here. Just wanted to say hi and hope everyone had a great Holiday! Stay safe my San Diego neighbors!

San Diego, CA|Local News Tip|

Jupiter and Saturn seen converging over the County Administration Center which has its red and green livery on tonight.

Jupiter and Saturn seen converging over the County...