How to get fit: Get fit for 2021 with this collection of our best workouts and diet tips

If you want to know how to get fit in 2021 – and fit for 2021, which is hopefully shaping up to be a better year than last year – you have come to the right place. This January, T3 will be sharing ways to get in shape and lose weight. For more advanced practitioners we’ll also have tips on how to get in your best ever shape this year. 

First of all: congratulations! You decided to get fit in 2021, after not looking after yourself all that much during the first lockdown, then the second lockdown, and then the next lockdown… and so on. We would like to reassure you: getting fit doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are the best beginner workouts and top tips to get in shape in 2021.

First of all, we would like to say that being healthy doesn’t mean a body fat percentage below 10%. Healthy bodies come in many shapes and sizes and being healthy is a lot different from being just lean. A healthy body is resilient, strong and doesn’t restrict you from things you want to do.

get fit in 2021

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Of course, a lot of people will want to lose belly fat or lose weight in general, and follow the best home workout in order to feel more healthy. That is absolutely fine. Challenging yourself (within reason) is one of the best way get you out of your comfort zone and start living a more active, healthier life.