Here’s what you can and can’t do under Inslee’s COVID-19 ‘Healthy Washington’ plan to reopen the state

As the pandemic continues, Gov. Jay Inslee announced a new plan last week called “Healthy Washington — Roadmap to Recovery.”

This new plan takes effect Jan. 11, and unlike the state’s previous “Safe Start” plan, “Healthy Washington” consists of two phases instead of four, with the state divided into eight regions. Every region will start in Phase 1, and reopenings will happen by region rather than county. Additionally, regions do not have to apply to move forward to the next phase. The state Department of Health (DOH) will promote regions based on whether they hit four key metrics. The DOH will examine data every Friday to determine if each region can move forward on the following Monday.

Metrics used will include: a 10% decreasing trend in case rates during the previous two-week period, a 10% decrease in COVID-19 hospital admission rates during the previous 14-day period; an ICU occupancy rate that’s less than 90%, and a test positivity rate of less than 10%.

Read on for a list of what activities you can and can’t do in each phase and a breakdown of the regions. For the official guidelines and more information, visit the governor’s website or the state’s coronavirus website.

Activities and phase permissions

Social and at-home gathering size — indoor

Phase 1: Prohibited.

Phase 2: Maximum of five people from outside your household, limit two households.

*A “household” is defined as individuals who reside in the same domicile.

Social and at-home gathering size — outdoor

Phase 1: Max of 10 people from outside your household, limit two households.

Phase 2: Max of 15 people from outside your household, limit two households.

Worship services

Phase 1 and 2: Indoor maximum 25% capacity.

Retail stores*

Phase 1 and 2: Maximum 25% capacity, curbside pickup encouraged.

*Includes farmers’ markets, grocery and convenience stores and pharmacies.

Professional services

Phase 1 and 2: Remote work strongly encouraged, 25% capacity otherwise.

Eating and drinking establishments*

Phase 1: Indoor dining prohibited, outdoor dining allowed through 11 p.m. with a maximum of six people per table and a limit of two households per table.

Phase 2: Indoor dining available at 25% capacity through 11 p.m. Outdoor dining available with a maximum of six per table and a limit of two households per table.

*Establishments serving only alcohol and no food remain closed.

Weddings and funerals

Phase 1: Ceremonies are limited to no more than 30 people; indoor receptions, wakes or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are prohibited.

Phase 2: Ceremonies and indoor receptions, wakes or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are permitted and must follow the appropriate venue requirements. If food and drinks are served, eating and drinking requirements apply. Dancing is prohibited.

Indoor recreation and fitness establishments

Phase 1: Low-risk sports* are permitted for practice and training only in stable groups of no more than five athletes. Appointment-based fitness/training** can occur with a maximum of 45 minutes per session and no more than one customer/athlete per room or per 500 square feet for large facilities.

Phase 2: Low- and moderate-risk sports competitions permitted (no tournaments). Fitness and training allowed at maximum 25% capacity.

*Includes dance, no-contact martial arts, gymnastics and climbing.

**Applies to gyms, fitness organizations, indoor recreational sports, indoor pools, indoor K-12 sports and indoor personal training

Outdoor sports and fitness establishments*

Phase 1: Low and moderate-risk sports permitted for practice and training only (no tournaments). Outdoor guided activities including hunting, fishing, motorsports, parks, camping, hiking, biking, running and snow sports are permitted.

Phase 2: Low, moderate and high-risk sports competitions allowed (no tournaments). Maximum 200 people including spectators.

*Includes outdoor fitness organizations, outdoor recreational sports, outdoor pools, outdoor parks and hiking trails, outdoor campsites, outdoor K-12 sports, outdoor sports, outdoor personal training, outdoor dance and outdoor motorsports.

Indoor entertainment establishments*

Phase 1: Private rentals/tours for individual households of no more than six people are permitted. General admission prohibited.

Phase 2: Maximum 25% capacity. If food or drinks are served, eating and drinking requirements apply.

*Includes aquariums, indoor theaters, indoor arenas, indoor concert halls, indoor gardens, indoor museums, indoor bowling, indoor trampoline facilities, indoor cardrooms, indoor entertainment activities of any kind and indoor event spaces.

Outdoor entertainment establishments

Phase 1: Ticketed events only. Groups of 10, limit two households. Timed ticketing required.

Phase 2: Groups of 15, limit two households per group. Maximum 200 including spectators.

*Includes zoos, outdoor gardens, outdoor aquariums, outdoor theaters, outdoor stadiums, outdoor event spaces, outdoor arenas, outdoor concert venues and rodeos


Live entertainment is no longer prohibited, but must follow the above guidance for the appropriate venue.

Long-term care facilities, professional and collegiate sports remain governed by their current guidance/proclamations separate from this plan.



  • Adams
  • Asotin
  • Ferry
  • Garfield
  • Lincoln
  • Pend Oreille
  • Spokane
  • Stevens
  • Whitman


  • Island
  • San Juan
  • Skagit
  • Whatcom

North Central

  • Chelan
  • Douglas
  • Grant
  • Okanogan


  • Clallam
  • Jefferson
  • Kitsap
  • Mason

Puget Sound

South Central

  • Benton
  • Columbia
  • Franklin
  • Kittitas
  • Walla Walla
  • Yakima


  • Clark
  • Cowlitz
  • Klickitat
  • Skamania
  • Wahkiakum


  • Grays Harbor
  • Lewis
  • Pacific
  • Thurston